| Binazir Sankibayeva | Issue 154 (Jul - Aug 2023)
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Between Light and Darkness
The famous Greek physician Galen of Pergamon (129-200 CE) used to organize picnics and camps for himself and his patients on what is now called Kozak Plateau near Bergama in present-day Turkey, famous for its pine trees and nut pines. It is told t...
The Tomorrows of Our Dreams
Feeling and understanding the future with its own particular profundities, even if it seems only a fancy at present, is a reality, albeit one nurtured with belief, hope, resolve, and determination. The most salient characteristic of this reality o...
Why Do Pious People Suffer?
For many people, especially in today's world, it is very hard to reconcile the personal, sometimes seemingly intolerable, suffering of admirable and pious people with Divine justice and love. Believers of all religions face this challenge. There a...
Baby on Board
The holy mystery called mercy embraces all beings. It is manifested in the most brilliant manner, particularly in the compassion of mothers. The mystery of mercy makes the mother's womb the first place for preparing an infant for their brief visit...